My Photos

So far this page is just for my Newfoundland photos. I might add more later, when I run out of holiday snaps (so, only about 500 to go, then)!!

Sunday, February 20, 2005

My hand, and a real piece of iceberg (which I ate), chipped from a chunk that floated by #2. Sounds gross to think of, but Iceberg water is the purest water on earth, coz it froze thousands and thousands (in some cases millions) of years ago, before pollution. The tiny bubbles are where the snowflakes got compacted. They also mean that if you pour warm brandy onto iceberg ice, it explodes. As in, will shatter your glass explodes. Not that they demonstrated that, of course, not on the back of a boat, in the middle of the sea, but we did all get to eat iceberg ice.


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