My Photos

So far this page is just for my Newfoundland photos. I might add more later, when I run out of holiday snaps (so, only about 500 to go, then)!!

Monday, October 11, 2004

John's horse was the one that wouldn't stop eating (and had chronic wind!). Mine was the one that trailed further and further behind 60% of the time, and spent the other 40% running to catch up.

Horse-riding in Pasadena, NF. I HAD NOT piled on 10 stone, I was wearing a body-warmer under my jacket!!! (extra padding in case I fell off ; ).

My bathroom (fascinating, I know, but I had a shot, so here it is).

The lounge (this wasn't my visit, this was the visit before! l-r:- John's Dad, John, Karen (sister), Richard (bro-in-law)!) these house photos are better than mine, that's why I'm using them instead!

The kitchen.

The dining area (again, old shot).

My room in Canada (ok, it's an old photo. There was no snow on the balcony when I was there!).